September 29, 2018
Diastole Scholars' Center at 2501 Holmes St. Kansas City, MO 64108
Community organizers and sexual health educators, Diane Burkholder and Lucky Garcia, saw a need for holistic, sex positive spaces that center the experiences of communities of color and LGBTQ+ & Two Spirit folx in the Midwest.
Inspired by and in partnership with the Atlanta-based Sex Down South Conference and the Sexual Liberation, Art, & Education (SLAE) project aimed at educating audiences about sexual liberation through the arts and community forums, The Sex in the Middle conference provided a sexually liberating space that educates, agitates and encourages the sexual and romantic freedom in the Midwest.
The 2018 half-day conference and evening live entertainment:
Uplifted the knowledge and experiences of people residing in the Midwest
Facilitated and curated discussions, workshops and educational programming that expand beyond heteronormative societal standards.
Provided a space for all persons, especially women of color, trans* and gender non-conforming folks, sex workers, queer people, and differently-abled individuals, to learn, connect and share sexual health knowledge with fellow Midwesterners.
Countered the area’s abstinence-based, anti-choice education & programming.
Decreased the shame and stigma stemming from rigid religious beliefs and practices.
Built a communal space that fosters self-love and agency through healing, nourishment and personal connections.
Topics discussed:
BDSM/Kink/Costume Play
Sex in the Middle/Geographical implications on Sexuality
Race & Sexuality
Communication & Healthy Relationships
Trans*, Gender Non-Conforming & Genderqueer Sexualities
Lesbian/Gay/Same Gender Loving/Bisexual/Queer Sexualities
Sexual Liberation/Sexual Justice